The ABC's of ADHD: A is for Adaptations
Session 3: A is for Adaptations
Over the next three sessions we will be exploring the ABC's of ADHD. These include Adaptations, Beliefs and consequences/choices.
This week we will look at Adaptations. To help in explaining this topic; adaptations are changes to structure, routine or behaviour. The goal this week is to find some tools that will work for your children to help them to manage there ADHD.
Take My Hand
Take My Hand” – A Child’s Perspective of ADHD
Have you ever wondered what your child might feel like living with ADHD?
This video follows a young girl through her day and shows what living with ADHD can be like.
Let's Talk about ADHD
This is a good video to share with your child or someone working with your child to explain some basic traits of ADHD.
There are many other videos online that can help talk about ADHD and what it can look like at home and at school. Be sure to watch the videos first to decide if they are a good fit for your child.
Session Handouts
Below are many handouts this week with tools and suggestions that can help at both school and home. As you are seeing through your weekly reflections that all children are unique and will respond differently to these tools. It is best to create a tool box with your child and practice the tools with them when there not in the stressful situation. Through this practice they will be better able to call on the tools when they need them the most. Make sure to try a tool for a period of time before abandoning it and check in with your child about how they feel the tool is working for them.
Parent Reflection
The Behaviour Action Plan:
This week you have received many resources on mindfulness, school strategies, fidget tools and books.
Creating Your Family Action Plan:
As you can see on the reflection page when choosing areas you want to focus on don't pick too many. Work with your child to pick something you both would like to see change. Review with your child if they have the tools needed to be successful. This is where the skill deficit comes in. Do you need to coach your child in the skill, before you can see the behaviour change.