Community Supports and Working with the School

Session 6: Community Supports and Working with the School

"Academic success does not depend on effort alone. We can only teach children what they need to know after we've accurately identified any struggles related to ADHD and executive functioning."

As we end the program we want to bring together that we have learned and how it will work for our child at school. We will look at how to handle school meetings, help with friendship and how to help our children from a growth mindset perspective.

Session Handouts

ADDitude website is a great resource with webinars, articles and many different parenting resources.

in the first PDF below you will find many resources for all ages.

resources-books and websites.pdf

You've completed all the webinars!

Parent and Child Post Program Assessment

I invite you and your child to complete these post-program assessments by following the links below. Your child may need your help completing theirs.

Your feedback is really valuable to us at Merrymount, and helps us improve our programming!

Survey Link for PARENTS:

Survey Link for CHILDREN:

Thank you for your active participation in this group! I will leave your certificates at the front desk at Merrymount - please stop by to pick them up!

Complete and Continue  